Judy and her late husband, Russ Cockrum, served as Recovery Chaplains, Co-Ministry Leaders at a very active Celebrate Recovery in Greenwood Indiana. Russ fell ill, November 6, 2020 and passed away December 1, 2020. Judy is now Recovery Chaplain at Grace Assembly alongside a seasoned Leader. Russ and Judy's 2 sons, Jim and Ken are husbands and fathers, and have blessed her with six grandchildren, elementary age to early 20's. She put her husband through college 3 times, until he finally landed a degree, and his ministry ordination and after pastoring for 20 years, most recently served as a Chaplain with the Assemblies of God. At age 51 she learned to ride a motorcycle and bought her first Harley Davidson. Riding on 2 bikes, across the USA, Canada and Mexico, they co-founded HonorBound Motorcycle Ministry. Reaching America's motorcyclists - bikers with God's love and a free cup of coffee at biker events. She and Russ were embedded in the biker lifestyle - going back to where they started their personal walk with Christ. Working with people in addiction and life issue recovery was a natural transition.
Feel free to type a message to Judy, she loves to hear from her readers.